HomeDoctors ArticlesWhat You Need to Know About Blackhead Extraction Tools?

What You Need to Know About Blackhead Extraction Tools?

We all can’t stop ourselves from squeezing those annoying blackheads with our fingertips. But let me tell you that you need to stop doing this as we have dedicated tools for this purpose. 

Blackhead extraction tools are widely used these days. Their extraction videos are also quite viral because of the strangely satisfying experience of watching them. Generally, two types of tools are available to squeeze out all that debris with almost similar procedure and function. They are also called comedones extractors.

Blackhead extraction tools are a great alternative to your fingers. They put pressure in the right way that pinches the skin together to squeeze all the contents easily. This procedure can be slightly painful. It is better to clean the face, hands, and tools before using these tools. Steaming the face before extraction softens the skin and makes extraction easier. 

These tools are very sharp and shouldn’t be used by anyone who is not an expert in using them. If they are not used properly, they can damage your skin and leave a scar. Also, don’t overdo it as it can also leave a scar. You can easily get these tools, but it is safer to get this procedure done by a professional rather than at home.

Also read: How to get rid of stubborn blackheads?

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dr.iqraDr. Iqra Mubashar is a registered Pharmacist originally from Pakistan, Lahore. She has earned her pharmacy degree from the University of veterinary and animal sciences, Lahore.  She has completed her internship as a trainee from Children hospital, Lahore.  She has completed her research work in clinical pharmacy and pharmaceuticals.  She has worked as a healthcare documentation head in Al-Qasim enterprises, Islamabad.  She has specialized in prescription handling, drugs information, literature research, patient counseling, and pharmaceutical care plan. Her research work on coronavirus is under publication

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