It’s not easy to understand and identify our skin’s needs at a glance. This is why clinics and the like are starting to adopt A.I. technology in the form of skin analyzers to have an easier and more accurate view of their client’s skin.
So, what is a skin analyzer?
It is a technological device that scans your skin to identify moisture, oil, elasticity, pore size, pigmentations, and skin tone.
There are professional and personal versions.
The former offers more features where the operator can get a closer look and assess keratin content and skin sensitivity whereas the latter is a handheld device that can be connected to your mobile phone where you can get an overview of your skin.
How is it helpful?
Our skin is influenced by several factors (e.g. hormones, stress, diet, lifestyle, and environment). So it is not surprising that it’s state and needs change every so often.
Having an analyzer on hand or visiting your skin specialist for analysis once a month, can help you understand why your skincare may not be working or what’s causing your new breakouts.
This might also be a good push for those who believe that they don’t need moisturizers because of their oily skin.
What can you expect?
You have nothing to worry about for the procedure is safe with no pain. And it will only last for 15 minutes or so.
Also read: How to Do a Patch Test for Your Cosmetic and Skincare Products?
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About the Author: Dr. Elli Reyes is a specialist of Aesthetic Medicine from the Philippines. With over four years of specialized training, her aesthetic practice has involved a variety of skin treatments involving Botox, fillers, and the like. As a licensed physician, she has been engaged by multiple clinics and is regularly interviewed by the local media as an expert in the science of the skin. Her research and writings to date have centered on nutrition, functional health, and general beauty.