Vaseline is a product that most people store in their home cabinets, can find in any drugstore, small supermarket, and can be used for pretty much everything. And the question is: Are they right? Can Vaseline really fix everything?
Vaseline can be used for almost everything you have read online, but to be clearer, we will be more specific about the conditions that can be improved with this ingredient.
The main function of Vaseline is hydration, especially for delicate and sensitive areas. It also has many other functions. Here you have some of them:
- Dry Skin: Some people can’t tolerate certain lotions or serums in areas that tend to be dryer, like around the nose or the corner of the lips; therefore, you can substitute them for Vaseline.
- Wound Healing: Vaseline will avoid
- Dermatitis: By covering your area with Vaseline, you will prevent itchiness and have relief in the area.
- Nails and cuticle dryness: Apply Vaseline around your nail, just like they do in the nail salon.
- Prevents stains: Especially when you are dying your hair, just apply it to the skin in the forehead and around your ears to avoid unwanted color.
- Makeup remover: Not only is it able to remove makeup but also eyelashes glue.
Also read: Dermatologist offers five tips to use petroleum jelly for skin care
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Dr. Angelica Parra is a Licensed Medical Doctor from Venezuela and is currently taking a Master’s degree in Dermatology. She specialized in Aesthetic Medicine and completed Advanced Training in Non-surgical Facial Rejuvenation in Miami, Florida. She has specialized in applying Botox, dermal fillers, skin tightening treatments, and since then, she has worked on cruise ships as an Aesthetic Doctor.