While dealing with skin care important attention has to be paid to the lips that become dry because of the weather. We need to be extra careful towards lip care because the skin there is very sensitive and it peels off with pain. Sometimes it causes wounds too because the skin is very soft. Now the solution to the problem is probably the use of a lip scrub whose ingredients are entirely organic; it should be made with natural products and no artificial flavor or color should be added.
The most common way to make a lip scrub is with the help of using the following ingredients.
- Coconut oil
- Brown sugar
- Honey
How to make:
Mix 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and add a small amount of honey to make a thick paste. Add coconut oil accordingly to manage the consistency.
The brown sugar exfoliates the dead skin cells and exposes the deeper hidden layer. Honey, however, plays the role of an antiseptic and helps kill the germs. Whereas the role of coconut oil is to make the skin smooth and is responsible for adding new nutrients to the skin. The lip scrub, on the whole, will provide skin with a natural healing power also the lip skin can be improved with the help of the lip scrub store the scrub in a small glass container with a lid don’t forget to mention the date on the scrub so that you have an idea that how long you might be using it
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About the Author: Dr. Iqra Mubashar is a registered Pharmacist originally from Lahore, Pakistan. She has earned her pharmacy degree from the University of veterinary and animal sciences, Lahore. She has completed her internship as a trainee from Children hospital, Lahore. She has completed her research work in clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutics. She has worked as a healthcare documentation head in Al-Qasim enterprises, Islamabad. She has specialized in prescription handling, drugs information, literature research, patient counseling, and pharmaceutical care planning. Her research work on coronavirus is under publication.
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