HomeBeauty/Makeup Tips and TricksOrange Peel Powder Face Packs For Glowing Skin

Orange Peel Powder Face Packs For Glowing Skin

Orange peel powder is made from orange peel. They have been valued since ancient times. Most of us usually throw out the peels whenever we use oranges. This is our mistake as many benefits are found in them. These peels are anti-cholesterol, avert cancer, improve digestion, used for teeth whitening, and skin whitening.

How to Make Orange Peel Powder

Orange refreshes our skin and gives it a rejuvenating glow. Peel oranges and place these peels in the sun to dry. Blend them to form powder when they become hard. Store it for 30 days in an airtight jar or container.

1. Take some sufficient orange peel powder, sandalwood powder and mix them in rose water or milk. Apply on you face and neck for ½ an hour. When it dries up, wash with water. Use rose water instead of milk if you have an acne prone skin.

2. Mix orange powder in yoghurt and apply on face. It gives you a very relaxing and cooling effect on your face.

3. Mix orange powder with lemon juice and honey. Apply this paste on face for some time. It works on acne scars and gives you a glowing skin.

4. Crush orange peel or simply take orange peel powder. Mix it in sandalwood powder, honey and a moisturizing cream. This is a very powerful face pack that you don’t even need foundation after regular uses.

5. Mix 2 tbsp orange powder, a pinch of turmeric powder, 2 tbsp. lemon juice and milk as needed. It is very effective for skin whitening and glowing.Read More…….

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