HomeBeauty with HealthWhat’s good about vitamin C powder for the face?

What’s good about vitamin C powder for the face?

What’s not to like about Vitamin C?

✔ It lightens dark spots.

✔ It protects your skin from UV rays and pollution.

✔ It stimulates collagen production.

✔ It brightens the dull complexion. 

✔ It is anti-inflammatory.

✔ It promotes skin healing.

Vitamin C is one of the most promising vitamins for the skin. It’s only turnoff is the oxidizing issue.

Sadly, vitamin C in its liquid form is unstable. It gets even more unstable when it comes in contact with air and light. Surely, you wouldn’t want this to happen because it will decrease its effectiveness on your skin.

So what’s a good alternative?

According to Chemists, Vitamin is more stable in powder form. This implies that it can stay in your beauty cabinet for a long period and you can worry less about losing its effectiveness. However, powder form is a bit different from oral vitamin C. So if you’re thinking of crushing your vitamin C tablets, that’s not going to work!

What’s good about vitamin C powder for the face?

Do not forget to check for specific instructions as its acidic properties can burn your skin badly.  The desirable amount for its application depends on the potency and formulation of the powder. You can mix it with your moisturizer as long as the medium does not affect the pH of the vitamin C.

So, study everything you are applying on your skin while using Vitamin C.

Also Read: Squalane Oil: Amazing Beauty Benefits for Skin

Dr. Elli ReyesDr. Elli Reyes is a specialist in Aesthetic Medicine from the Philippines. With over four years of specialized training, her aesthetic practice has involved a variety of skin treatments involving Botox, fillers, and the like. As a licensed physician, she has been engaged by multiple clinics and is regularly interviewed by the local media as an expert in the science of the skin. Her research and writings to date have centered on nutrition, functional health, and general beauty.


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