Eyebrows are important key elements in our make-up. That is why we tend to take some extra minutes to make them perfect. We take a lot of things into consideration like eyebrow shape, thickness, and face shape. But there are times that we just want a quick and natural make-up due to limited time or rush schedule. Well, this doesn’t mean you can leave your eyebrows on the rocks, because we now have the so called, eyebrows saver, the Microblading.
Microblading is an advanced micropigmentation that will give you natural results. It is a precise technique where the eyebrows are done hair-by-hair giving you that realistic look. But don’t confuse microblading with tattoo or micropigmentation as these are completely different treatments.
Here you have some reasons why you should do Microblading
Microblading will save you time
microblading is a procedure that only takes around one hour to finish. And guess what, it is a long-lasting treatment! You won’t have to waste time anymore applying shadow and contouring the eyebrows. This will save you some minutes from your daily make-up routine.
You will have your best look
this treatment will make the illusion that your eyebrows are dense. You won’t have to apply extra make-up to make this happen.
You will save money
the microblading price is lower than traditional micropigmentation. You will also save money because you won’t need eye pencil anymore.
Microblading is less painful
thanks to the technology used for this treatment. It’s less painful than traditional micropigmentation, is faster and with immediate results and is more precise.
Natural results
the hair-to-hair technique applied will give you a natural result. Completely different from the tattoo or micropigmentation
Long-lasting results
may last up to 2 years and after this time you can do a touch-up.
However, it Is also important to know that not everybody is the perfect candidate for this treatment. People with diabetes, blood-thinner treatment, and previous reaction to the pigment should be evaluated beforehand. And as usual, make sure they do a patch test before doing the treatment.