HomeDIY SkincareHow to Apply Subtle Daytime Makeup

How to Apply Subtle Daytime Makeup

The purpose of daytime makeup is often to highlight natural features, conceal flaws and blemishes in the skin, and promote a fresh and awake appearance. Daytime makeup looks are generally subtler than evening or nighttime looks, because the natural light of the sun makes heavy makeup jobs more apparent. However, makeup you wear during the day must also be long-lasting without being too thick, and there are a few tips and tricks you can try next time you want to achieve a subtle daytime look with your makeup.

Performing a Morning Skin Routine:

Wash your face. For the health of your skin and the sake of longer lasting makeup, start each morning by washing your face.[1] Be sure to use a gentle cream or gel cleanser designed for the face.

  • Massage the cleanser into your skin for about 30 seconds, using a circular motion,and rinse well using lukewarm water. Gently pat your face dry with a soft towel to remove most, but not all, of the moisture.

Moisturize your skin

To give your makeup a soft, smooth surface over which to be applied, make sure your face is moisturized. You can use toners, serums, eye creams, or just a basic moisturizing facial lotion. Be sure to apply it when your skin is still slightly damp.

  • To prevent dryness, moisturize your face after every time you wash it.

Apply sunscreen

This is especially important in the summer months, but you should actually wear sunscreen year-round.Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15, and apply it liberally to your face, neck, and ears.

  • Sunscreen and proper sun-protection habits will help protect your skin from skin cancer, freckles, wrinkles, and premature aging.Read More..

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