HomeDIY SkincareA DIY Honey Face Mask to Improve Your Skin in Winters

A DIY Honey Face Mask to Improve Your Skin in Winters

Our skin becomes a lot drier and rough in winters than in summers. But a little care with your kitchen ingredients can bring back your beautiful skin. Let’s try to find an easy DIY honey face mask to improve skin condition using honey.                                  

Low moisture in the air makes our skin dry during winters. But this condition is worsened with our regular usage of heaters and hot drinks. While you need to counter these effects with regular application of moisturizer, a DIY mask can be very comforting. It can provide the lost nourishment in a matter of a few minutes. These benefits are due to the amazing moisturizing properties of honey. And these hydrating benefits are increased multiple times because of lipid-rich egg yolk and milk powder. To make the face mask, you need:

  • 1 tablespoon honey
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 1 tablespoon milk

Mix them in a bowl and make a smooth paste and apply it to your face. After 20 minutes, simply remove it and wash your face.

This face mask will help remove dust and dead skin, provide necessary skin hydration and nourishment and make your skin soft, clear, and beautiful.

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About the Author: Dr. Iqra Mubashar is a registered Pharmacist originally from Lahore, Pakistan. She has earned her pharmacy degree from the University of veterinary and animal sciences, Lahore. She has completed her internship as a trainee from Children hospital, Lahore. She has completed her research work in clinical pharmacy and pharmaceutics. She has worked as a healthcare documentation head in Al-Qasim enterprises, Islamabad. She has specialized in prescription handling, drugs information, literature research, patient counseling, and pharmaceutical care planning. Her research work on coronavirus is under publication.

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