With the fall season just around the corner you might find yourself packing for dorm life, helping your kids prepare their back to school supplies, or maybe you are starting a new job. Pretty soon juggling work, family, and life in general starts to pile up. What that means is taking a step back and making sure you take some breaks because we are worth love. Practicing self-care is vital to your well-being so that you avoid feeling stressed. Are you ready for some “Me time”?
1. Be mindful while eating
Do you find yourself multi-tasking while having your meals? Easy to do especially when you live alone and there’s no one around to tell you to sit and enjoy your meal. Next time you make a healthy meal for yourself, allow some time to simply enjoy the moment and indulge in a delicious meal without any distractions. No cell phone. You, your meal and your good thoughts. Maybe think about your goals or what you are grateful for.
2. Check off accomplishments
You know what’s great about to do lists? Not only do they help us stay organized and on track but they remind us that we have conquered the day! At the end of the day, check off all the things you have accomplished and give yourself a hug with a big smile on your face.