Vitamin A
I believe it is “A” for Anti-Aging.
It is popular for stimulating skin cell turnover and improves the skin’s elasticity by increasing the collagen in the skin. They say that if you want to stay young and only have enough budget for one skincare aside from sunscreen, it should be a vitamin A derivative.
It is also good for addressing acne because of its role in exfoliating the skin. If used consistently at night, it can also reduce the likelihood of getting dark spots from acne.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C is known for being a powerful antioxidant that can protect the skin against UV damage and help in producing collagen.
Because of these, vitamin C can delay the signs of aging. It can increase wound healing, repair damaged skin, and lighten dark spots.
Vitamin C is available in serum and cream. The difference is that serum is usually more concentrated and is better absorbed.
Vitamin E
If you have oily skin, this might not be a problem for you since it comes with the oil that comes out of your pores. But did you know that it is also necessary for strengthening the barrier of your skin and repairing damage from UV?
So yes, it’s important.
If you think you have a lot of this already, you can at least apply every other night or increase sources in your diet.
Also Read: Juvederm Visualizer: Get a Glimpse of How You Will Look With Filler Injections
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About the Author: Dr. Elli Reyes is a specialist of Aesthetic Medicine from the Philippines. With over four years of specialized training, her aesthetic practice has involved a variety of skin treatments involving Botox, fillers, and the like. As a licensed physician, she has been engaged by multiple clinics and is regularly interviewed by the local media as an expert in the science of the skin. Her research and writings to date have centered on nutrition, functional health, and general beauty.