A common side-effect of our sedentary and stressful lifestyle is acidity. With common symptoms, such as stomach ache, gas, nausea, bad breath, this is caused due to an imbalance of digestive acids produced by the stomach. However, instead of popping a pill every time you feel uncomfortable, here are certain foods you can eat to treat acidity:
Milk has high amounts of calcium with prevents acid buid up. In addition, cold milk provides instant relief from the burning sensation that causes discomfort.
Tulsi stimulates the stomach to produce more mucous and its anti-ulcer properties reduce the effect of gastric acids. Chew on a few tulsi leaves when you feel acidic for instant relief.
A rich source of potassium and high in fibre content, bananas help in balancing acid levels in your stomach. An overripe banana is especially good as they tend to contain more potassium.
It has anti-ulcer properties, cools the stomach linings, and relieves constipation. This is why eating saunf after a heavy meal, especially in a restaurant, is a common practice in India. To deal with chronic acidity, boil a few seeds in water and leave it overnight, sip on this water throughout the day.
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