Dark underarms are a nightmare. Here are 5 natural beauty remedies that can help you lighten your underarms.
Are dark underarms the reason you have stopped wearing your favorite sleeveless top or going out for a swim? There is always a solution to the problems we face in our day-to-day lives. However, before moving on to the various remedies that can help you reduce discoloration of your underarms, let us understand the causes behind the problem. Very often, dead cells accumulate in the underarm area and cause darkness. These dead cells are a result of non-exposure of the skin in that area. A lot of us also use skin products that contain chemicals, which we are unaware of.
A common example is deodorants, the content of which tends to react with our skin, causing discoloration. Acanthosis Nigricans is a medical condition that occurs in individuals who are overweight. It can also occur in those who suffer from gland disorders. It results in a velvet-like layer under the arms which darkens the skin.
Shaving is another major factor of underarm darkening because while shaving, the hair is cut right above the surface of the skin, making the area look dark. According to Dr Deepali Bhardwaj, a renowned Dermatologist, “certain causes associated with underarm darkening include Friction Dermatitis, which leads to eczema, itching and skin pigmentation. Read more
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