Starting your day off in a frenzy – pressing the snooze button, skipping breakfast, rushing out the door – only leads to a day that looks much the same. That’s why it’s important to follow a healthy morning routine to help you start your day off right. Beginning your day positively with a healthy breakfast, your favorite wellness or fitness activities and some happy thoughts can make a huge difference in the overall outlook of your day. Even if mornings aren’t your favorite, a few simple changes to your routine can really make a difference in your life. Follow this simple 10 step checklist of our favorite wellness tips and you’ll be ready to conquer the day!
1. Rest your mind
Turning your thoughts off for a few minutes (whether you want to call it meditation or not) can really help you handle and manage stressful situations. All you have to do is focus on your breath (in through your nose, out through your mouth) while at the same time clearing your mind and letting it relax. Try to do this for at least 5 minutes if you have the time in the morning.
2. Be grateful
There are times when we focus too much on the negative things in our lives and ignore the positive. Take some time out of your day to think about the three things in your life you’re most grateful for. Doing so can also help to give you more hope while setting a positive tone for your day.