Bleaching your facial hair is the easiest way to make them unnoticeable if you are looking for a quick fix to deal with those fine hair, simply by removing the dark pigment in the hair and coloring it to a far lighter shade. It is easy, affordable and does not require you to make a pricey appointment just for it.

Let us face it: hair naturally is going to grow, and facial hair is surely the worst. You cannot seem to get rid of it, because when once a strand goes, another one has to sprout someplace else. And the hair in truth never really goes away. It is a matter of weeks before it makes its dreaded comeback, and sometimes even longer, thicker or more obvious.

Waxing, shaving, epilating – there is no stone you have left unturned when it comes to dealing with this pesky hair. Put the hard work to rest and turn to these easily accessible tonics that will provide you with the naturally-begotten relief that you have been looking for all this while for an effective facial hair removal process.

Lemon Juice And Honey

Concoct a safe and extremely effective natural bleach for all that facial hair with just some lemon juice. Mix this lemon juice with a tablespoon full of honey till it forms a paste. Apply the paste to dark facial hair and leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing. Lemon juice is a mild bleach, so you will need to repeat this process to achieve a significant lightening of your facial hair. Be sure to keep the lemon juice away from your eyes to avoid discomfort.

Tomatoes to Naturally Bleach Your Facial Hair

Tomatoes are known to lighten facial hair quickly. Simply cut a tomato in half and rub it over the areas that have the hairLeave the tomato juice on for 4 minutes, before rinsing it off with cool water. You can see immediate effects, and you can repeat the process until your facial hair reach the level of lightness you desire.

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