Those tiny dots are a sign you need to treat your skin ASAP. It’s called a blackhead and referred to as open comedones. A blackhead is a clump of oil and dirt mixed together in a pore. If you don’t take care of your pores, eventually the dirt and oil will accumulate. Worse, dirty pores can also mean reduced skin elasticity in the future. A pore is like a rubber band – the more you stretch it out, the less elasticity it has. Once those pores are stretched out to a certain degree, they typically don’t shrink to shrink back to their original size.
More bad news – unfortunately those with combination or very oily skin types are most prone to blackheads on the nose because the sebaceous glands produce an abundance of oils in the pores on the skin of the nose. Here are 15 helpful tips and DIY homemade masks to prevent and help get rid of blackheads on your nose, chin, and forehead.
1. Cleanse your face morning and night
While this may seem like common sense cleansing is vital to help prevent dirt and oil from accumulating in your pores. Wash your face in the morning with Pure Fiji’s Purifying Cleanser to get rid of any bacteria that might have transferred to your skin from your pillowcase. Cleansing at night is even more important to get rid of the makeup, pollution, and dirt that coats skin throughout the day.
2. Wash off that sweat after your workout
Excess sweat can cause blackheads, so it’s important to remove all dirt, sweat, and oil after a workout to avoid clogging your pores even more and forming additional blackheads
3. Try a strip
Pore strips are like a “Band-Aid Extractor”. It’s an adhesive that pulls away those tiny blackheads. However, they will only work for newer blackheads, and not ones that have been there for several weeks or months.
4. Use oil-free sunscreen
Sunscreens can feel uncomfortable if you have oily or combination skin. That sticky feeling can be annoying but you’ll be more annoyed if you don’t protect your skin from harmful UV rays. We recommend that you choose oil-free formulations that won’t weigh down the skin or clog your pores. Read more