Excessive sun exposure, pollution or ageing can be the main causes behind enlarged pores. There are various methods to deal with the issue of large pores and one of them is the natural way. Thus, here are homemade face masks for pore tightening. These face masks help in refining and tightening of the pores. These are quite easy to make as well. So, let’s get into it.
Oatmeal, gram flour and raw milk face mask for pore tightening
Oatmeal is an effective ingredient when it comes to the cleansing and tightening of pores. It reduces sebum and makes skin look clearer. Raw milk and gram flour cleanse the skin and refine pore as well.
How to use: Take an equal amount of oatmeal flour and gram flour. Add enough amount of raw milk to make a smooth paste. Apply the face mask over cleansed skin and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse it off with normal water.
Egg white, honey and lemon juice face mask
Egg white helps in tightening of pores and gives the skin a clearer look. The enzymes present in lemon juice also help in tightening the pores. On the other hand, raw honey tones the skin and reduces the production of excessive sebum.
How to use: Take an egg white, a teaspoon of raw honey and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Whisk the ingredients properly to make a smooth but thick mixture. Apply the face mask over cleansed skin. Leave it on for 25-30 minutes or until it dries out. Later, rinse it off with lukewarm to cool water.
Coffee, cocoa powder and yogurt face mask
Cocoa and coffee are well-known ingredients that enhance the elasticity of the skin. These ingredients effectively tighten up the pores. Yogurt also helps in shrinking the pores and keeps the skin blemish-free.
How to use: Take the equal amounts of coffee and cocoa powder. Add enough amount of yogurt to make a smooth paste. Apply the face mask over cleansed skin and leave it on for 25-30 minutes. Later, rinse it off with normal water.Read More…………
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