I’ve always wondered why do I always get zits and pimples in the same spot on my face, but never really tried to ask. Until one day I was online searching for a natural remedy to clear acne scars and found all the answers to all my acne related questions. Believe it or not, the place of the zit on your face has a lot to say about your health. Let me give you a brief about what your facial breakouts are trying to tell you about your health.
Breakouts on your forehead:
Breakouts on your forehead mean that you probably have digestive problems, liver issues or a poor diet. Food has a high impact on your acne, so you need to focus on what you feed your body. It’s also a sign of stress or sleeping issues, when you don’t get enough sleep you stress your body and soul and it is usually translated into zits on your face.
Breakouts on your temples and eyebrows:
Breakouts between your eyebrows and on them are usually a sign that you have poor blood circulation or gallbladder problems. Again, unhealthy food that contains high percentage of unhealthy fats and processed food cause this kind of acne.
Breakouts on your nose:
Breakouts on your nose are a sign of constipation, bloating and indigestion. These problems are usually caused by a poor diet you follow. It might also be a sign of poor blood circulation.
Breakouts on your left cheek:
Breakouts on your left cheek are a sign for you to stop overeating, and that there’s something wrong with your stomach. Breakouts on cheeks are also a sign that your cell phone is not clean. Read more…
Also Read : Six Types of Food You Need to Stop Eating to Avoid Acne