HomeFacial Care8 Truths About Acne You Need to Know Now

8 Truths About Acne You Need to Know Now


8 Truths About Acne You Need to Know Now

Acne is the #1 most common skin condition in the United States. According to the American Academy of Dermatology, affects a staggering 50 million people annually. Though the majority of people experience acne between the ages of 12 and 24, this can occur at any stage of life and continue well into adulthood.

1. Acne and rosacea may look alike, but they’re not the same.

According to Dr. Chiu, acne and rosacea are both characterized by underlying inflammation. But while anti-inflammatory ingredients like sulfur can be very effective for treating these conditions, she urges the importance of knowing your specific condition—as acne and rosacea can sometimes look alike but act differently. “Rosacea is more characterized by central facial redness, bumps and pore prominence over the nose and center part of the face. It can be hard to tell, so if you are unclear, consult a dermatologist since acne treatments like benzoyl peroxide or retinol can at times worsen rosacea,” she says.

2. Blue light devices can help clear acne.

LED (light emitting diode) therapy is a form of low-level light energy that penetrates the skin to cause different reactions and target different issues, such as skin rejuvenation, repair of tissue and promotion of wound healing. The energy, especially the one coming from blue light, can also target bacteria and inflammation and stimulate collagen—all of these can be beneficial to those struggling. The trick, according to Dr. Chiu, is to use it accordingly. “The key is to use as directed, depending on the product of choice. As a general note, more is not better, as you can irritate or even damage the skin with too much exposure in a short amount of time!”

3. Get post-partum acne under control with pregnancy-safe ingredients. 

With the increase in hormones, pregnancy can sometimes wreak havoc on our skin. If you are experiencing post-baby, Dr. Chiu recommends looking for pregnancy-safe formulations made with alpha-hydroxy acid or other fruit acids—both ingredients can help slough off pore-clogging impurities that cause acne. “Your dermatologist can also prescribe some medication that has been shown safe to treat acne during this phase,” she adds.

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