HomeHome Remedies7 Natural Face Packs Our Grandmothers Used for Beautiful Skin

7 Natural Face Packs Our Grandmothers Used for Beautiful Skin

Face Packs: You may have always wondered the magic behind your grandmother’s healthy and glowing skin. Well, as they say, old is gold, especially when it comes to taking care of your skin and hair, purane nuskhe  from our grandmothers were the best and the most effective. Whether it is to cure suntan, acne, dry skin or oily skin, she had the perfect solutions to all your beauty problems using natural homemade face packs.

A face pack of coriander leaves and turmeric powder makes a great solution for excessive blackheads on your face especially on the nose. The pack helps in shrinking large pores. Coriander acts as a caustic to clean dirt, blocking the pores of your skin. Turmeric helps in pulling out excess oil in your skin pores.

How to make?

Blend coriander leaves with two teaspoons of turmeric powder to make a fine paste. Apply this paste on your face and keep it overnight. Wash it off the next morning with cold water. Follow this routine at least twice a week to get rid of blackheads easily.

2. Curd and gram flour face pack for dry skin

The curd and besan face pack makes for an amazing way to nourish dry skin and remove dead cells. Besan acts as a cleansing agent for the skin and curd has a moisturizing effect.

How to make?

All you need to do is to mix two tablespoons of besan, one tablespoon of curd, one teaspoon of honey and a dash of turmeric to make a smooth paste. Apply evenly on you face and leave it for about five minutes and wash it off with cold water.

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