Growing older, a thought can make you upset. Everyone dream of staying beautiful. All need the wrinkle free face. But is looking beautiful just mean by face glowing? Nope, Beauty means the healthy body. It means the disease free body. Hence we bring here some important anti aging tips. Healthy body and mind not only keeps you glow from outside but from within the body too. Staying fit although cannot reverse the aging process but definitely helps in delay of the aging process.
Skin is the mirror of our inner body, any disease inside the body will reflect soon on the surface. So one must aim to achieve Healthy skin by getting a Healthy body. Here are the 7 best natural anti aging tips to stay younger for a longer time.
7 Best Anti Aging Tips To Stop Growing Older
1. Drink Enough Water
Water is the essential liquid to our body. Our body is composed of about 65% of the water of the total weight. When there is the decrease in the body water levels it results in a condition called Dehydration. This dehydration leads to many symptoms such as Cramps in the muscles, Prostration, Heat and Burning sensation, Elderly look, Dryness of skin, Wrinkles on the Skin and so on. This completely makes the body idle and bed ridden. Hence water is an important source of energy for the Human body. Drinking 4-6 liters of water per day can make you disease free. It also acts as the Blood Purifier. All the waste products are excreted in the urine resulting in Healthy skin and Healthy body. Drinking warm water after food and in the early morning helps you to free from gastritis, Constipation, Good appetite, Easy digestion and the healthy skin.
2. Consume Calcium-Rich Food
Sounds new but true. Calcium is very necessary to grow, develop or maintain the strength of our bones. Imagine you have awesome looks but you have Pain in the knees or Fracture of bones. You may not look lively as you are because of pain and suffering. Calcium helps in maintaining the density of the bones from preventing the Age-related diseases like Osteoporosis, Age-related fractures and Disc collapse. Calcium is abundantly seen in many fresh fruits and Vegetables. The food rich in Calcium are Green leafy Spinach, Peas and vegetables such as Tomatoes, Ladies finger, Cauliflower and it is also present in Milk and other dairy foods like Yogurt, Cheese, cottage cheese. Sardines and soybean also contain high calcium.
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