What Are the Signs of Stress?
Common signs of stress include depression, sleep problems, tension, anxiety, work mistakes, poor concentration, and apathy, among many others. If high levels of unwanted stress are not properly managed, your health and sense of well-being can suffer. Therefore, it is important to learn how to manage stress.
Tips for Managing Stress for Better Sleep
These tips can help you ease stress and hopefully get a better night’s sleep:
Assess what is stressful: The first step in getting a handle on stress is to figure out what is causing it. Take a good look at your physical condition and your daily activities. Do you suffer from pain? Are you overloaded at work? Once you identify your stressors, you can take steps to reduce them.
Seek social support: Spending time with family and friends is an important buffer against stress. It can be helpful to share your problems with people who care for you.
Practice thought management: What we think, how we think, what we expect, and what we tell ourselves often determine how we feel and how well we manage rising stress levels. You can learn to change thought patterns that produce stress. Thoughts to watch out for include those concerning how things should be and those that overgeneralize sets of circumstances (for example, “I’m a failure at my whole job because I missed one deadline.”) Many commercial audiotapes and books can help you learn thought management exercises. Read more
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